Take a moment with me — picture what you want in your life, your success.
Maybe you simply hope your business will take off and you can cover your bills this month. Or, like me, you’re a writer and content creator doing the hard graft of building an audience.
You might be picturing a beautiful plot of land to build your dream (tiny) home on. Or walking hand-in-hand with the love of your life.
Whatever your hopes — it’s never long before your mind swarms with all the ‘hows’ and you’re overwhelmed with where to even start.
Those 3 letters can strangle your dream before you even take a step.
And I’m here to tell you — don’t let that happen.
I spent 6 years in a shadow career, unfulfilled because I let my hows choke my start.
I want better than that for you. So here it is. If you’ve needed a sign, a little nudge to not give up.
To keep going — this is it.
And I want to point you towards a mindset for success to help you do just that. This isn’t empty sentiment. Nope. These are real, easy-to-grasp ideas that took Jay Shetty from being an unknown monk — to one of the most successful content creators of our time.
The purpose of knowledge is action, not knowledge.
— Aristotle
Four Choices To Transform Your Life
1. How Do I Feel About Myself?
It’s no secret we project how we feel.
If you don’t feel good about yourself — you’re gonna put that energy out there.
Self-hatred is lowkey narcissism.
Don’t be a narcissist.
Daily, we have the power to choose which thoughts we agree with.
Take time, as you’re starting your day to answer how you’re feeling about yourself.
Get curious about the emotions which show up. Emotions are our teachers.
Here are some common feelings and responses.
- Anger → you need to set boundaries
- Lonely → you need connection, to feel seen and known
- Afraid → identify what’s making you feel unsafe and take action
- Hurt → communicate your needs, take responsibility, set boundaries
- Shame → identify and challenge shaming thoughts
2. What Do I Do For Money?
Energy-killer or energy-filler?
You spend most of your time doing this. It should be non-negotiable to love what you do. The creator economy is just getting started. Anyone with an internet connection and a smartphone or laptop — can make good money.
Don’t have a skill? Learn one.
(Here’s a thread to get you started.)
Doing what you love → creates energy.
Making money from it → creates freedom.
3. Who Do I Give My Love To?
In our language, we often talk about falling in love.
I fell.
Like it’s an accident. Zero intention.
It’s so powerless.
Shouldn’t love, of all things, have the greatest of intentions? Something you deliberately choose, not something which just happens to you.
Choose. Don’t fall. Okay?
While you’re being intentional, here are a few baseline questions to think about
- Is it reciprocal?
- Is there a foundation of trust?
- Who are you spending your time and energy on?
(Where your resources go, needs to align with who and what are your priorities.)
4. How Do I Serve Others?
Your purpose and skills are vehicles to serve others. The secret to living is giving — it’s your infinite energy source.
Answer this.
Look back at the last 5–10 years — what did you need, that you didn’t have?
Do that.
Maybe it was financial coaching, communication skills, business mentorship or mental health support.
If you spend your life focusing on intentionally making these choices — then your life is a success.
— Jay Shetty
The Bright In Your Burning
Nearly 5 years ago, I had a nervous breakdown — I had no concept of mental health. I worked through my pain and treated my health like a credit card. I stole from my future (well-being) to build my career.
Friends and family didn’t understand — they couldn’t relate. I didn’t just lose my health but my relationship, career, house, and even friends.
I felt like a failure.
For the last 5 years, I’ve invested my time, energy, and resources into building my mental health. Now, I use what I’ve learned to create self-development and mental health content — the sort of content I needed when I was at my lowest.
When hardship comes — and it comes for us all — friends can scatter. You reach for support and understanding. And you find it. In the few who stayed and in the articles, podcasts, books, and TikToks where people like you and me share their stories.
You can do the same. Whatever your expertise. Use your experiences and skills to build a roadmap for others to succeed.
Capturing The Essence
A quick review —
- Don’t be a narcissist — learn to love yourself (humility)
- Love what you do
- Audit — who and what are you spending your time and energy on?
- Your energy is matched by your desire to learn and serve
Service is a gift. Something you get to do.
A life of service will transform your pain into purpose. It’s as redemptive as it is fulfilling, and the truest meaning of success.
Will it solve your problems? No.
Nothing can do that. Well, maybe a fat chunk of money could. Chances are you’d spend it. Then you’re back staring down the same barrel of problems.
Different day. Same sh*tty thinking.
Do yourself a favor and skip the BS. Start with how you think about yourself and decide how you want to show up in life.
It will be the journey of a lifetime — are you ready?