The start of a new year is an exciting time. Many people reflect on accomplishments from the previous year before they set new intentions. We strive for lofty, ambitious resolutions, vowing to be different. But we often lose steam and get derailed, leaving our goals in the dust.
Studies show that New Year’s resolutions are useless without habits. Since only 20% of people stick to their resolutions after January, developing habits is crucial for achieving your goals.
Here’s why we need to switch out our resolutions for habits.
Why Habits Are More Effective
Habits are behaviors that we do automatically without thinking. Once we form them, it requires less motivation and willpower. They’re also more sustainable in the long term, making them easier to maintain.
Setting resolutions creates drastic changes in our lives. Small habits like drinking more water or going for a daily walk lay the foundation for lifestyle changes.
Start With Your Identity
The key to building lasting habits is to create a new identity. Your current behaviors are a reflection of your current identity. What you do now is a mirror image of the person you believe you are, either consciously or subconsciously.
To change your behavior, you need to believe new things about yourself.
How to Create Habits
It takes about 66 days for a new behavior to become a habit, so start small and gradually build on it. Decide what areas of your life you want to improve, then stick to it for at least 30 days.
Another tip for creating habits is to attach them to existing routines so that it’s easy to remember. If you want to read more books, try reading for 10 minutes before bed each night. Soon enough, it will become a lifestyle!
Be Realistic
Being realistic helps to build habits. Many resolutions fail because it’s unattainable or vague. Take time and think about what habits you want to cultivate, then think about specific ways to make it happen.
Instead of saying, I want to meditate more this year, say I will meditate every day for 5 minutes. It makes the habit actionable and gives you a clear path.
Give Yourself a Time Frame
Prioritize fitting the habit into your schedule. It’s easy to get disheartened or lose track if you set goals for the year. Give yourself small, actionable timeframes instead.
If you want to start exercising 30 minutes every day, plan a workout ahead of time to motivate yourself. Setting up your environment for success by laying out your workout clothes the night before also helps.
Staying Accountable
Having accountability is crucial in maintaining habits. Find a friend or family member to share your goals with and ask them to check in on you regularly. You can also track your progress using a habit-tracking app or journal.
Celebrate small wins along the way, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. The most important thing is to keep trying and not giving up.
Track Your Progress
The best way to stay motivated? Keep track of your progress. Whether it’s marking days off a calendar or keeping a tracker app on your phone, positive reinforcement helps.
Adding small, healthy habits to your daily routine can significantly impact your well-being. Habits shape our lives. Studies show that 45% of our actions are not conscious decisions but driven by them!
Remember to keep at it, even if you slip up. Once you learn to recover from failure, you will find new and creative ways to keep trying and improving. And before you know it, you’ll be living your best life!